Getting Started with Your Phone
Touchscreen operations
Most of the phone operation s are performed on the Touchsc reen by
touching or dragging.
• When working in glove mode, ther e are some gloves that cannot be
used to operate the phone, such a s thick gloves, etc.
• Touch the Touchscreen lightly with your fi nger. Do not press hard or
use a plastic pen, etc.
• Any of the following operations co uld potentially cause the
Touchscreen to malfunction :
- Operating the ph one while wearing gloves wh en glove mode is off
- Operating the sc reen with your fingerna ils
- Using foreign o bjects to operate the Touchscreen
- Operating the ph one when Touchscreen covered by a prote ctive
sheet, stickers, etc.
- Operating the p hone in a high-humidity e nvironment or when the
Touchscreen is wet.
In this manual, the following te rms are used for Touchscreen ope rations.


Tap the screen with your finger whe n you want to select or press
onscreen items such as app lication icons, or buttons.

Touch and hold

To open the pop-up menu, touch and hol d the Touchscreen with your
For example, if you touch and hold th e empty area of the Home scree n,
the pop-up menu to customize the H ome screen will open.