used with hearing aids o perating in the telecoil mo de thus reducing
unwanted background noise.
How will I know which wir eless phones are Hea ring Aid Compatible?
The Hearing Aid Compa tibility rating is displaye d on the wireless phone
A phone is considered He aring Aid Compatible for a coustic coupling
(microphone mode) if it has an “M3” or “M4” rating. A digital wireless
phone is considered He aring Aid Compatible for i nductive coupling
(telecoil mode) if it h as a “T3” or “T4” rating.
How will I know if my heari ng aid will work with a particular d igital wireless pho ne?
You’ll want to try a number of wireless phon es so that you can decide
which works the best with your h earing aids.
You may also want to talk with your hearing a id professional about the
extent to which your hearing a ids are immune to interfere nce, if they
have wireless phone shie lding, and whether your hea ring aid has a HAC
For more informat ion about heari ng aids and digit al wireless
FCC Hearing Aid Comp atibility an d Volume Control
Hearing Loss Association of America
Gallaudet Unive rsity, RERC