kFCC Enhanced 911 (E911) RulesBackground
The Federal Communic ations Commission ( FCC) requires wirele ss
carriers to transmit sp ecific latitude and lon gitude location (Automa tic
Location Identificatio n = ALI) information as well a s “911” calls to Public
Safety Answering Points ( PSAPs) to identify the l ocation of the caller
in case of emergency. Genera lly, the rules require that carr iers identify
an E911 caller’s location within 50 meters of the ac tual location for
67 percent of calls and within 150 meter s of the actual location for 95
percent of calls.
kCASIO G’zOne COMMANDO™ 4G LTE — ALI Capability
The CASIO G’zOne COMMANDO™ 4G LTE is an ALI-c apable phone
equipped with a GPS (Gl obal Positioning System ) receiver supporti ng a
satellite-based GPS ALI- capable network to comp ly with the FCC’s ALI
The network complian ce with the above FCC requireme nts is
dependent on: (a) the use of digital technology by the wireless
network; (b) GPS satel lite signals being able to re ach the handset
(such transmissions d o not always work indoors, for examp le); and (c)
handset signals reach ing wireless “base stati ons” (atmospheric and
environmental condi tions may cause variations i n handset receiving
signal strength).
Also the transmission of th e ALI information is subje ct, in part, to system
constraints within the wi reless network to which th e E911 signal is
transmitted and over whic h NECAM has no control.
Finally, customers are advis ed that the G’zOne COMMANDO™ 4G
LTE’s ALI capability is to be used for E911 purposes onl y.