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Confirming your phone number
Confirming your phone’s numbe r with Hangouts helps pe ople who have
your phone number find you o n Google services an d connect with you.
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Hangouts icon .
3. The first time you sta rt Hangouts, you will be pro mpted to confirm
your phone’s number. Follow the on-screen in structions to confirm
your number.
Confirm ation will happen automati cally via a one-time SMS.
Starting a Hangout
You can send and receive messa ges and make video calls w ith one
person or with a group of peop le.
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Hangouts icon .
3. Tap the icon .
4. Type the person’s name, email addre ss, phone number, or choose
a circle. You can also select one of you r contacts from the list below
the search box.
5. Tap Message or Video call at the bottom of the screen.
Google NowGoogle Now gives you just the ri ght information at just the rig ht
time — before you even ask. Just touc h and hold the Home key to
get commute traffic before wo rk, popular nearby place s, your favorite
team’s current score, and more.
For more information about Go ogle Now, visit the Google website at
the following URL: http://ww w.google.com/landing/n ow/.