Warrant y
NEC Corporation of Americ a (the “Company”) warra nts to the original
retail purchaser of this handheld portable cellular telephone, that should
this product or any part th ereof during normal con sumer usage and
conditions, be proven defec tive in material or workmans hip that results
in product failure within t he first twelve (12) month period f rom the date
of purchase, such defect (s) will be repaired or re placed (with new or
rebuilt parts) at the Co mpany’s option, without charge fo r parts or labor
directly related to the defect (s).
The antenna, keypad, displ ay, rechargeable battery a nd battery charger,
if included, are similarl y warranted for twelve (12) months from date of
This Warranty extends o nly to consumers who purch ase the product in
the United States or Canada an d it is not transferable or as signable.
This Warranty does not ap ply to:
(a) Product su bjected to abnormal use or c onditions, accident,
mishandling, neglec t, unauthorized alteratio n, misuse, improper
installation or repair or improper storage;
(b) Product whose m echanical serial nu mber or electronic ser ial
number has been removed, a ltered or defaced.
(c) Damage fr om exposure to moisture, humidi ty, excessive
temperatures or extreme e nvironmental conditio ns;
(d) Damage resul ting from connection to, or use of a ny accessory or
other product not approved or au thorized by the Company;
(e) Defects in a ppearance, cosmetic, de corative or structural ite ms
such as framing and non- operative parts;
(f) Product damaged from external ca uses such as fire, floodi ng, dirt,