Deleting multiple voicemails
1. From the Vis ual Voice Mail screen, tap th e Menu key > Select All.
All voicem ails will be check-marked. Tap a check-ma rked voicemail
to un-check it.
2. Tap the icon .
Composing and send ing a voicemail
1. From the Vis ual Voice Mail screen, tap the C ompose icon .
The Compo se Voice Message screen is di splayed.
Tap and enter a phone number or
a contact’s name.
Tap to start recording.
Send the voicemail.
Open contact lists.
Tap to stop recording or playba ck.
Tap to turn on the speakerphon e.
2. Tap the “To” field.
3. Enter a phone number o r a contact’s name. As you enter the
phone number or the conta ct’s name, the search function d isplays
4. Tap a suggestion or continue e ntering the phone number.
5. Tap the record icon to start record ing a voicemail.
6. Tap the stop icon to stop recording a voicemai l. Even if you don’t
tap the stop icon , recording stops afte r 3 minutes.
7. Tap Send to send a voicemail.