power required to reach the net work. In general, the close r you are to
a wireless base station ante nna, the lower the power output. Befor e a
phone model is available f or sale to the public, it must be tes ted and
certified to the FCC that it d oes not exceed the limit esta blished by
the government adopted requi rement for safe exposure. The tes ts are
performed in positi ons and locations (e.g., at the ear an d worn on the
body) as required by the FCC fo r each model.
For body worn operation, this p hone has been tested and meet s
the FCC RF exposure guideli nes when used with an acce ssory that
contains no metal and that po sitions the handset a mini mum of 1.0 cm
cm from the body. Non-complia nce with the above restrictio ns may
result in violation of FCC RF E xposure guidelines.
The highest SAR value for th is model phone when tested f or use at the
head is 1.08 W/kg and when worn on the bod y, as described in this
guide, is 1.08 W/kg. (Body-worn me asurements differ am ong phone
models, depending upo n available accessori es and FCC requirements ).
While there may be differe nces between the SAR level s of various
phones and at various posi tions, they all meet the governm ent
requirement for safe exposur e.
The FCC has granted an Equipm ent Authorization for this mo del phone
with all reported SAR leve ls evaluated as in complianc e with the FCC RF
exposure guidelines. SA R information on this mode l phone is on file with
the FCC and can be found under t he Display Grant section of
http://www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/ fccid after searching on T YK-JDS9507.
Additional informatio n on Specific Absorptio n Rates (SAR) can be fou nd
on the Cellular Telecommuni cations & Internet Associa tion (CTIA) web-
site at http://www.ctia.org.
* In the U nited States and Canada, the S AR limit for mobile phone s
used by the public is 1.6 watts/kg (W /kg) averaged over one gram
of tissue. The standard inc orporates a substantial ma rgin of safety
to give additional protection for th e public and to account for any
variations in measurem ents.