3. Tap a phone number or name.
The detail s of the Call log appear.
If the phone number is not i n
Contacts, Add to contacts is
displayed and you can tap t o add
the phone number to Cont acts.
If the phone number is alre ady in
Contacts, picture ID i s displayed
and you can tap to open the de tails
of the Contact.
Tap to place a call.
Tap to send a text message.
4. Tap Call XXX-XXX-XXXX(phone number) to place a call.
Tap the Menu key to access the followi ng options:
Remove from call log : Deletes an entry from th e Call log.
Edit number before call: Opens the Dialer tab containing the
phone number. You can edit the number a nd then place a call.
Clearing the ent ire Call log
On the Call log screen, tap th e Menu key > Clear rec ent calls.
Dialing by voiceYou can use the Voice Command appli cation to place a phone call by
speaking the name of a cont act or a phone number.
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.