Switching betwe en a Bluetooth headset a nd the
When a Bluetooth headset is co nnected to your phone, you can switc h
between using your Blueto oth headset or just your phone.
1. While pla cing a call using a Bluetooth he adset, tap the Bluetooth icon
on the call in progress scre en and tap Speaker or Handset
earpiece to switch to using just your phone.
2. Tap the Bluetooth icon on the ca ll in progress screen and t ap
Bluetooth to switch to using the Bluetooth headset.
For instructions on how to pair a Bl uetooth headset with your phone,
see “Connecting to Bluetooth® devices” on page 101.
Managing multiple callsSetting up a conf erence call
You can set up a conference call wit h multiple callers.
1. Tap the add call ico n on the call in progres s screen to call another
Then, you can a lso tap Recent, Favorites tab to pla ce a call from
each list.
The first p articipant is put on hol d while placing a call to the othe r
2. Tap the merge calls icon on the call in progress scree n to merge
the calls into a single confe rence call.
3. Tap the end call icon to disconnect both cal ls at once.