• Set the volume in a quiet environm ent and select the lowest volu me at
which you can hear adequa tely.
• When using headphones, tu rn the volume down if you cannot h ear the
people speaking nea r you or if the person sittin g next to you can hear
what you are listening to.
• Do not turn the volume up to block out n oisy surroundings. If you
choose to listen to your porta ble device in a noisy environ ment, use
noise-cancelling h eadphones to block out ba ckground environmental
• Limit the amount of time you listen. A s the volume increases, les s time
is required before your heari ng could be affected.
• Avoid using headphones af ter exposure to extremel y loud noises, such
as concerts, that might c ause temporary hea ring loss. Temporary
hearing loss might cau se unsafe volumes to sound no rmal.
• Do not listen at any volume that cause s you discomfort.If you
experience ringing in yo ur ears, hear muffle d speech or experienc e
any temporary hearin g difficulty afte r listening to your portabl e audio
device, discontinue use a nd consult your doctor.
kYou can obtain additional information on this subject from the fo llowing sources:American Acad emy of Audiology
11730 Plaza American Drive, Suite 300
Reston, VA 20190
Voice: (800) 222-2336
Email: info@audiology.org
Internet: www.audiology.org
National Inst itute on Deafne ss and Other Com munication
National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive, MSC 2320