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Opening Gmail an d your Inbox
You can use your existing Gmail acco unt when setting up Gmail o n your
phone. Your Inbox will display mail f rom your Gmail account. You can
also set up a new Gmail accou nt right on your phone.
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Gmail icon to open.
Your Inbox displays co nversations with the newest me ssages at the
top. All of your conversations are dis played in your Inbox until you
delete, archive, or filte r them.
Tap to compose a new message.
Your account. Tap to switch
Tap a conversation to open it an d
read its messages.
Tap to search for messages.
There are 2 messages in thi s
Bold subject lines in dicate
conversations with ne w (unread)
• Conversations with new mess ages have bold subject line s. To read
a message in a conversatio n, tap its subject.
• The current Google accou nt is displayed at the top of the Inbox. If
you have more than one account, tap t he current account to switch
Reading a message
1. Open your Inbox.
2. Tap a conversation that contains t he message you want to read.