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Composing and sen ding a message

1. When vie wing the Inbox or other list of conver sations, tap the icon .
2. Enter an address for the m essage.
As you enter text, m atching addresses are off ered from your Contacts
list. You can tap a suggested addres s or enter a new one.
3. Tap the Menu key > Add Cc/Bcc to enter an addres s for sending
a copy or a blind copy of the messa ge.
4. Enter a subject for the me ssage.
5. Enter the content of the me ssage.
6. Tap the Menu key > Attach pic ture to send a photo with the
7. Tap the Send icon .
• If you are not connected to a networ k—for example, if you are working
in Airplane mode—the messag es that you send are stored on your
phone with the Outbox labe l until you connect to a network a gain.
• Do not delete the original of an at tachment before the mess age
is completely sent (wait u ntil it has the Sent label, not t he Outbox
label), or the attach ment will not be sent.
Google+ Hangouts©
Google+ Hangouts© is an instant messaging a nd video platform wher e
users can hold conversa tions between two to 10 users throug h the
Google+ website or the mob ile app. You can exchange photos or emoji
through messages, or en gage in live video calls wi th users who are
logged into Google+ Ha ngouts.
For more information about H angouts, visit the Google we bsite at the
following URL: http://www.google.com/hangouts/.