Scrolling a web pageOn the Browser screen, slide t he page toward the desired direct ion with
your finger.
Zooming in or out of a web pa ge• Place two fingers on the de sired area of the screen at onc e and
spread them apart to zoom in. D ouble tap after zooming i n this way, to
reflow a column of text to fit the sc reen.
• Place two fingers on the de sired area of the screen at onc e and pinch
them together to zoom out.
• You can also zoom in to the desired sectio n of a web page by double
tapping it.
Zooming in a sectio n on a web page1. Double ta p on a section of a web page you want to zoom in.
2. The web page zooms in so that yo u can read all the text in the
section by scrolling up and d own.
3. To return to the overview mode, do uble tap the screen again.
Searching for tex t on a web page1. Tap the Menu key w hile viewing the Browser sc reen.
2. Tap Find on page.
3. Type in the text you want to search.
When you ty pe, the first word with matching c haracters is highlighted
on the screen and subseq uent matches are boxed-in.