Linking or Unlinking contacts information

Linking contacts

When you add an account or add c ontacts in other ways, such as by
exchanging emails, Cont acts attempts to avoid duplicati on by linking
any new contact informatio n with existing contacts und er a single entry.
You can also link contacts manua lly.
1. Open your c ontacts.
2. Tap the contact entry to which you wa nt to add information.
This is the co ntact you will see in Contacts a fter the link.
3. Tap the Menu key > Edit.
4. Tap the Menu key > Link.
Matching con tacts are displayed at the top of the sc reen. You can
add another contact from your f ull list of contacts.
5. Tap the contact you want to link with th e first contact.
The infor mation from the second c ontact is added to the first c ontact,
and the second contact is n o longer displayed in the Cont acts list.

Unlinking contacts

If contact information from d ifferent sources was lin ked in error, you can
unlink the information into individual contacts again.
1. Open your c ontacts.
2. Tap the contact entry whose in formation you want to separate.
3. Tap the Menu key > Edit.
4. Tap the Menu key > Unlink.
The contac t information will be sepa rated into individual cont acts.