Openin g and switching applications
The Apps screen, which yo u open from the Home screen, ho lds icons
for all of the applications on you r phone, including any appli cations
downloaded and install ed from the Play Store or other source s.
When you open an applicat ion, the other applications b eing used do not
exit. You can quickly switch betwe en running application s to use several
at once.
To learn how to discover and install add itional applications a nd
games, see “Play Store™” on page 199.

Opening and clos ing the Apps screen

1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen to open.
If you have more app lications or widgets than c an fit on the Apps
screen in one view, you can slide l eft or right to view more.
Tap to view applications.
Tap to view widgets.
Tap to open Play Store.
Tap an application to open it .
Slide left or right to br ing more
icons into view.