• You can add an application icon or a wi dget to the Home screen
by touching and holding it on th e Apps screen until it vibr ates, and
then dragging it to another lo cation on the Home screen.
• You can rearrange the order of the ico ns. Tap the App icon >
Menu key > Sort and tap App s A to Z, Apps Frequent or
Apps Date.
• Tap the Back key or the Home key to clos e the Apps screen.
• The Apps screen closes w hen you tap an icon to open an
application or if you move an ic on or a widget from the Apps
screen to the Home screen.
Opening an application
1. Tap an applicati on icon on the Apps screen o r Home screen.
Switching to a rece ntly used applicat ion
1. Tap the Recent Ap ps Key .
A list will dis play icons and thumbnail i mages of applications that yo u
have recently used.
2. Tap an icon to open its applicati on.
Swipe a thumbnail left o r right to remove it from the list.
Or, tap the Back key to return to the current applicati on.
Customizing the Home scr eenYou can add application icons, wi dgets, and other items to any part of
the Home screen or change th e wallpaper.
Adding an item to the Ho me screen
1. Tap the Apps icon on the Home screen.
2. Tap the Apps A to Z to add an application or Widgets to add a
widget at the top of the screen.
You can add an appli cation icon or a widget to the Hom e screen by