Working with batch es of pictures or video s
In addition to working with wh ole albums and with indiv idual pictures,
you can select one or more pi ctures or videos in an albu m to work on
them in batches—for example, to send a few pi ctures from an album to
a friend.
1. Open the a lbum to view the pictures and vi deos to work with.
2. Touch and hold a picture or vid eo.
Or, tap the Menu key > Select item.
3. Tap to select or unselect the i tems you want to work with.
You can check all i tems by tapping X(number) selected > Select
all at the top of the window.
You can uncheck a ll items you have checked by tappi ng X(number)
selected > Deselect all at the top of the window.
For information about sharing and ed iting pictures and vide os, see
“Working with picture s” on page 155 and “Working with vide os” on
page 158.
Sharing an album
You can share the entire contents of one o r more albums.
1. Open the m ain Gallery screen.
2. Touch and hold an album.
Or, tap the Menu key > Select album.
3. Tap to select or unselect the i tems you want to share.
4. Tap at the top of the scree n.
5. Tap the application you want to use to s hare the selected albums.
The appli cation that you select will o pen with the pictures from th e
selected albums or li nks, attached to a new mess age. For information
about addressing and s ending the message, see t he section on that