You can also set the da te to display the sunrise and sun set
information by sliding the yea r and month up or down.

Moonrise Moonset mode

You can check the time of moonrise a nd moonset and the position of
the Moon.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Sun/Moon.
2. The Moonrise Moon set screen displays the time of m oonrise and
moonset and the position of th e Moon.
Star Gazer
The Star Gazer screen d isplays the constellation s and stars that can be
viewed from the current lo cation in the direction the ph one is pointed at.
• The stars on the screen may not m atch the stars in the sky exact ly.
• The Star Gazer tool can dis play information for dates bet ween
January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2021.
• The Star Gazer screen is al ways displayed in landscap e orientation.

Constellation Vi ew mode

You can check the name and positi on of constellations that can b e
viewed from current loc ation.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Star Gazer.
2. The Constellation V iew screen displays the con stellations and stars
that can be viewed from the cu rrent location in the direc tion the
phone is pointed at.
• Tap the plus icon or minus icon to zoom in or out.
• Tap a constellation to display a detail sc reen showing its illustrati on
and the main stars. Then ta p Wikipedia to open a browser to view
the information of that conste llation in Wikipedia.
Home: Returns to the G’zGEAR Home menu scr een.