Switch Mode: Change Temperature Trip mode and Temperature

Temperature Trip mode

Temperature Trip takes you on an air ballo on trip to cities with the simil ar
current temperature, fro m among 30 cities around the wo rld.
Each time you visit a city, up to five fl ags are displayed.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Thermometer.
2. The Temperature Trip screen displ ays a map of the world and a
balloon moves to the city with t he similar current tempe rature.
When the bal loon reaches the city, the cur rent temperature and
today’s high and low temperature foreca sts of the city are displayed.
The Tides tool lets you chec k the tidal information of desi red location.
• The tidal information is sub ject to error.
• Do not use it for navigation.

One-Day View mode

The One-Day View mode di splays the tidal graph for a si ngle day.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Tides.
2. The One-Day View scr een displays the tidal gra ph, time of sunrise
and sunset, and time of high and l ow tides.
Home: Returns to the G’zGEAR Home menu scr een.
Select Point: Allows you to select a point to display the tida l
information from a list. You can also t ap Maps to display the map
for selecting a point.
You can also set the da te to display the tidal informatio n by sliding up
or down the number of year and mo nth.