Alert me about d ata usage: Your phone will a lert you when your
mobile data usage reach es the amount you selected.
Data usage cycle : Displays your current data u sage cycle. Tap the
dropdown menu to change the c ycle date.
Add VPN profile: Ope ns a screen that prompts you to sele ct the type
of VPN to add. You are then prompted for VPN configu ration details.
USB tethering: You can tether your phone to a PC with a USB cabl e,
to share phone’s internet connec tion with PC.
NFC: This feature is used to read and excha nge tags. When used
in conjunction with And roid Beam, your device can be u sed to beam
application content whe n NFC-capable device s are tapped.
Android Beam: This feature (when activated vi a NFC) allows you to
directly beam applica tion content to another NFC-ca pable device
when they are in direct cont act. These files are typ ically small such as
Contact entries.
Wi-Fi Direct: You can directly connect your phone to othe r Wi-Fi
Direct devices. This is a n easy way to transfer data betwee n devices.
These devices must be e nabled for Wi-Fi Direct c ommunication. This
connection is direct an d not via a hotspot or WAP.
Mobile networks: Opens a screen to set up options for ro aming,
networks, and APNs (Acce ss Point Names).