Clear form data: Tap to del ete all the information which th e
Browser remembers abou t what you have entered on forms.
Enable location: When checked, you permit webs ites with
location-specific co ntents to ask whether you want to share you r
location information, us ing the Phone’s location informat ion. To
provide your location inform ation for a website, you must also have
location sharing ena bled in Access to my location of Location
access settings. See “Location access” on page 224.
Clear location access: Prevents websites from accessing
your location information wh ich you had previously given. I f such
websites want permission to acc ess your location information
again, you must re-permit a ccess to the information.
Remember password: Permits the Browser to remember you r
passwords required to log in on so me web pages in order to
access more quickly. When u nchecked, the Browser doe s not
remember your passwords.
Clear password : Tap to delete, all passwords which the Browse r
has stored.
Force enable zoom: When checked, the Browser overrides a
website’s request to control the zoom be havior.
Text s ize: A llows you to increase or decre ase the text size that the
Browser uses when display ing web pages.
Text scaling: You can control the text scaling percentage 50 % to
Zoom on double-tap: You can set the percentage of Zoom of
double-tap size.
Minimum font siz e: You can set the minimum font size 1point to
24point .
Inverted rendering: When checked, Black becom es white and
vice versa, and you can also c ontrol the contrast percen tage above.