Downloading an ima ge and setting it as wall paper
1. Touch and hold an im age on a web page for context menu.
The context m enu opens.
2. Tap Set as wallp aper.
The image s is downloaded and set as wa llpaper of the Home screen.
Working with multiple Browser windowsYou can open up to 16 Browser windows at a time and swi tch between
Opening a new Browser w indow
1. Tap the icon > on the URL bar.
If the URL bar i s not visible, scroll up until th e URL bar can be seen.
A new Browser wi ndow opens to your home page.
Switching Browse r windows
1. Tap the icon o n the URL bar.
If the URL bar i s not visible, scroll up until th e URL bar can be seen.
The list of Brows er windows is displayed.
Tap to view the Browser windows .
Tap to open a new window.
Tap to close the Browser windo w.
2. Tap the Browser window you want to view.