• Do not aim your camera at the Sun. Th e sunlight passing throu gh the
Camera/Camcord er Lens may cause damage to the c amera.
• Do not use your camera’s flash close to a p erson’s eyes. This may
cause the person to lose eyes ight temporarily and res ult in an
• Do not expose the Camera /Camcorder Lens to direc t sunlight for a long
period of time. It may cause expl osion or fire from light-focus a ction.
• Do not use the flash on an automo bile driver. It may startle the dr iver
and they may not be able to drive, wh ich may cause an accident.

kHearing Aid Compa tibility (HAC) for Wir eless

Telecommunications Devices

NECAM’s Commitment

NECAM believes that all of our cu stomers should be able to enj oy the
benefits of digital wireless technologies. We are committed to providing
a selection of compatible de vices for our customers who we ar hearing

What is Hearing Ai d Compatibility ?

The Federal Communic ations Commission has i mplemented rules and
a rating system designed to ena ble people who wear hear ing aids to
more effectively use th ese wireless telecomm unications devices. Th e
standard for compatibility of digital wireless phones with hearing aids
is set forth in America n National Standard Insti tute (ANSI) standard
C63.19. There are two sets of ANSI standards with r atings from one to
four (four being the best r ating): an “M” rating for re duced interference
making it easier to hear c onversations on the phone wh en using the
hearing aid micropho ne, and a “T” rating that enabl es the phone to be