CalendarCalendar on the phone work s with the web-based Google C alendar
service for creating a nd managing events, meetin gs, and appointments.
It also works with the Microsof t Exchange ActiveSyn c calendar service.
Calendar on the phone is op timized for the phone. Some Cal endar
features, such as creating C alendars, are only availa ble in Google
Calendar on the web. Visit http://calendar.google.com to learn about
the features of the web version of Ca lendar.
Viewing your calendar and eventsWhen you first set up your pho ne, you configured it to use an exis ting
Google account, or you create d a new account. The first time yo u open
the Calendar applicati on on your phone, it will displ ay any existing
calendar events from your G oogle account on the web.
• You can add additional accounts wi th Google Calendar or Mi crosoft
Exchange calendar s to your phone, and configure th em to display
in Calendar. See “ACCOUNTS” on page 109.
• When you first set up Calend ar to synchronize events on your
phone, it includes events f rom the previous month through o ne year
in the future. Subsequentl y, Calendar keeps a year’s worth of futur e
events synchronized betwe en your phone and the web, plus any
later events that you add to your calen dar using Calendar on you r