Configuring account sync settingsYou can configure background dat a use and synchronizatio n options for
all of the applications on you r phone. You can also configure wha t types
of data you synchronize for each ac count. Some applications, s uch as
Gmail and Calendar, have their own sy nchronization setting s.
• Some applications, such a s Contacts, Gmail, and Cale ndar, can
sync data from multiple ap plications. Others syn c data only from
the first Google accou nt you sign into on your phone, or from a n
account associated specifically with that applicatio n.
• For some accounts, syncing is t wo-directional; cha nges that you
make to the information on your ph one are made to the copy of
that information on the web. Your Google ac count works this way.
Other accounts suppor t only one-way sync; the infor mation on your
phone is read-only.
Configuring gen eral sync settings
1. From the Hom e screen, tap the Menu key > Sett ings.
2. Tap the account type you would li ke to sync.
3. Slide the ON or OFF position to control whether change s you make
to information on the phone or on th e web are automatically synce d
with each other.
For example, w hen this option is checked, c hanges that you make in
Contacts on the phone are au tomatically made in Googl e Contacts
on the web.
If you unchec k this option, you may be able to use an ap plication’s
tools to sync data manually. You can also sy nc account data
manually from the Sync s creen. For more information, s ee “Syncing
information manually ” on page 113.