Earth CompassYou can check the direction in Com pass mode.
The Layer Compass mode sc reen displays seven type s of layers on top
of the compass. My Layer enabl es you to display the point you adde d
on the compass.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Ea rth Compass.
2. The Layer Compass mo de screen displays the obje ct in the direction
you point the phone.
• The layer switches each time you ta p Switch Layer.
• Tap the object on the screen to display it s longitude and latitude,
direction from the curren t location, distance, and de scription
on the detail screen. Tap Maps on the detail s creen to view the
location of the object on the m ap. Tap Wikipedia to open the
browser and display the Wik ipedia page of the object.
• If you tap a point while displayi ng My Layer, the longitude and
latitude and the distance to th e point are displayed on the det ail
screen. Tap Maps on the detail screen to view th e location of the
object on the map. Tap Edit to edit the point. Tap Delete to delete
the point.
• If more than one objects or poi nts are selected by tapping th e
screen, a list of the selected o bjects or points will be disp layed. Tap
an icon on the list to display the d etail screen.
• If My Layer is displayed, tap Add p oint to create a new point. See
“Adding a Point” on page 187.
Adding a PointYou can Add up to 50 points to be displayed on My La yer in Layer
Compass mode.
1. From the G’zGEA R Home menu screen, tap Ea rth Compass.
2. If necessary, tap Switch Layer to switch to My Layer.
3. Tap Add point.