More Applications
• Preload watch late r: Check to cache the video s from the watch
later list.
• Help: Displays information about h ow to use YouTube.
• Feedback: Log in to Google website s o that you can give
feedback to YouTube.
• Google Mobile Terms of s ervice: Display s the Google Mobile™
terms of service.
• YouTube Terms of service: Displays th e YouTube terms of
• Google Mobile Pri vacy Policy: Display s the Google Mobile
Privacy Policy.
• YouTube Privacy Policy: Displays th e YouTube Privacy Policy.
• Open source licenses: Shows liscense of open source softwa re
• App version: The version of the YouTube application installed on
your phone.
Gmail™Gmail is Google’s web-based em ail service. Your message s are stored
on Google servers, bu t you can read, write, and organi ze messages
with the Gmail applicatio n on your phone or by a web browser. Because
your mail is stored on Google se rvers, you can search your e ntire
message history, backed by the sp eed and power of Google searc h.
For more information about G mail, visit the Google webs ite at the
following URL: http://ma il.google.com.