A very small percentag e of individuals may experi ence epileptic seizures
when exposed to certai n light patterns or flash ing lights. Exposure to
certain patterns or b ackgrounds on a computer scr een, or while playing
video games, may induce a n epileptic seizure in thes e individuals.
Certain condition s may induce previously un detected epileptic
symptoms even in persons who h ave no history of prior seizur es or
If you, or anyone in your family, have an epil eptic condition, consult
your physician prior to playin g. If you experience any of the follow ing
symptoms while playing a vid eo or computer game—dizzi ness, altered
vision, eye or muscle twitch es, loss of awareness, disori entation, any
involuntary movement, or conv ulsions—IMMEDIATELY discontinue use
and consult your physician b efore resuming play.
kRepetitive Motion Injuries
When you play games on your pho ne, you may experience occa sional
discomfort in your hands, a rms, shoulders, neck, or othe r parts of your
body. Follow these instructions to avoi d problems such as tendoni tis,
carpal tunnel syndrom e, or other musculoskeleta l disorders:
• Take a minimum 15-minute break every hour of g ame playing.
• If your hands, wrists, or arms be come tired or sore while play ing, stop
and rest for several hours befor e playing again.
• If you continue to have sore hands, wri sts, or arms during or after p lay,
stop playing and see a doctor.