Upgrade tool mod e: Check to connect your pho ne with your
computer in upgrade tool mo de.
BatteryOpens a list of the applicati ons and operating system co mponents
used since you last conne cted the phone to a power source, sor ted by
the amount of power used. Tap an applic ation in the list to view details
about its power use, and if avail able, tap an option to open a set tings or
information screen for tha t component or applica tion. See “Optimizing
battery life” on page 50.
Power saving modePower saving mode: Sw itch to power saving mode to save batte ry.
Power saving sett ings: Configure add itional power saving options
Applications ManagerUse the Applications Man ager to view details about th e applications
installed on your phone, to ma nage the data, to forcibly stop inst allation,
and to set whether or not you want to per mit installation of applic ations.
Applications Manager: Opens the DOWNLOADED tab on the
Manage applications screen and displays the downloaded applications
in alphabetical order. Tap the RUNNING tab or ALL tab, to dis play the
list of applications corr esponding to each tab.
Tap the Menu key > Sort by size to display applications sorted by
Tap the Menu key > Reset app pr eferences to reset a ll
preferences for disabl ed apps, disabled apps n otifications, and so on.
Tap an application to open its Appl ication Info screen.