Entering and Editing Text
Entering and Editing TextEntering textYou can enter text using the onscre en keyboard. Some applica tions
open the keyboard automatic ally. In others, you tap a text field w here
you want to enter text to open the keyboar d.
1. Tap a text field fo r keyboard.
2. Type te xt.
The chara cters you have entered appear in a s election list above
the keyboard, with suggesti ons for the word you are typing to the
right. Tap the left or right arrow in th e selection list to view more
suggestions. You can also view mo re suggestions by sliding th e
selection list left o r right.
Tap to move the cursor to the left .
Tap for more options.
Tap for one capital letter.
Tap Twice for all capital letter s.
Tap to move the cursor to the righ t.
Tap to delete the preceding
Touch and hold to display the
selection candida te list.
Tap to launch voice input.
3. To enter the word as typed, tap the f irst word displayed in the
selection list.
To enter the blue bold wo rd from the selection list, ta p the Space key
or that word.
To enter another sugge sted word, tap the word you want to enter.
4. When you are finishe d typing, tap the Back key to c lose the