Detecting a TKI P Replay Atta ck 380
Detecting Unencr ypted Valid Clien ts 380
Detecting a Valid C lient Misassociation 380
Detecting an AirJ ack Attack 380
Detecting ASLEAP 380
Detecting a Null P robe Respo nse 380
Configuring I ntrusion Pro tection 381
Understanding I nfrastruct ure Intrusio n Protection 381
Protecting 40MHz802.11 HighT hroughp ut Devices 382
Protecting 802 .11n High Throughp ut Devices 382
Protecting Ag ainst Adhoc Networ ks 382
Protecting Ag ainst AP Imperson ation 382
Protecting Ag ainst Misconfigur ed APs 382
Protecting S SIDs 382
Protecting Ag ainst Rogue Co ntainment 382
Protecting Ag ainst Suspecte d Rogue Cont ainment 382
Understanding C lient Intrusio n Protectio n 382
Protecting V alid Stations 383
Protecting Windows Bridge 383
Configuring the WLAN Managemen t System (WMS) 383
In the WebUI 383
In the CLI 384
Configuring Local WMS Settin gs 384
Managing the WMS Data base 384
Understanding C lient Blacklisting 385
Methods of Blacklistin g 385
Blacklisting Manually 385
Blacklisting by Authen tication Failur e 386
Enabling Attack Bla cklisting 386
Setting Blacklist Dur ation 387
Removing a Clien t from Blacklisting 387
Working with WIP Adva nced Feature s 387
DellPowerConnect W- Series ArubaOS 6.2 | UserGuide Contents | 27