AP Station Reports
Timestamp BSS Id RSSI Tx Tx-Drop Tx-Data Tx-Data-Retry Tx-Data-
Bytes Tx-Data-Time Rx Rx-Retry
--------- ------ ---- -- ------- ------- ------------- ----------
--- ------------ -- --------
Aug 13 12:38:03 00:1a:1e:a8:2d:80 44 795216 44158 794838 147824 78010395
0 58366710 0
Current Active Calls
Session Information Peer Party Dir Status Dur(sec) Orig time
R-value Codec Band Setup Time(sec) Re-Assoc
------------------- ---------- --- ------ -------- --------- -
------ ----- ---- --------------- -------- - - OG CONNECTED 4079 Aug 13 11:30:36
Viewing T roubleshooting De tails on Voice Call C DRs
ArubaOSallows you to view the voice CD Rs for the completed calls.A dditionally, it enables you to view more
details suchas AP handoff information and AP station reports fora specific terminated call based on theCD RI d.
The AP handoff information includest he AP events such as association request, re-association request, and de-
authentication requestwi thti mestamps.The AP statio nreport includes the AP MAC address,associ ation time,
averageRSSI value,and retries count.
NOTE:ArubaOS pushes the generated CDRs to the syslogserver to retain the older CDR data for a later analysis. The CDR data
pushedto the syslog server do not contain thedetail sof the AP stats and AP events.
You can uset heWebUI o rCLI to view the troubleshooting information on a voice call based on the CDR Id.
In the WebUI
1. Navigateto t heMon itoring > Voice > Call Detail Report page.
This page displays the CDRs of the completed calls.
2. Clickthe CDR Id of a call to view the AP st ation reports, andthe AP handoff information of the call.
In the CLI
To view the details of a completed call basedo nt heCD R Id:
(host) #show voice call-cdrs cid 4
Voice Client(s) CDRs (Detail)
CDR Id Client IP Client Name ALG Dir Called/Calling Party Status Dur(sec) Orig
time R-value Reason Codec Band Setup Time(sec) Re-Assoc Initial-BSSID
Initial-ESSID Initial-AP Name
------ --------- ----------- --- --- -------------------- ------ -------- --------
- ------- ------ ----- ---- --------------- -------- ------------- ------
------- ---------------
4 3011 sccp IC 3042 SUCC 34 Aug 14
06:48:44 77 G711 YELLOW 0 1 00:1a:1e:a8:2d:80 legap
DellPowerConnect W- Series ArubaOS 6.2 | UserGuide Voiceand Video | 722