16| Conte nts DellPowerConnect W- Series ArubaOS 6.2 | User Guide
Configuring WL ANs 216
Configuring t he Guest WLAN 217
In the WebUI 217
In the CLI 217
Configuring t he Non-Guest WLANs 218
In the WebUI 218
In the CLI 219
Configuring Mixe d Authenticatio n Modes 219
In the CLI 219
Performin g Advanced Co nfiguration Options for 802.1X 220
Configuring Reauthentic ation with Unica st Key Rotat ion 220
In the WebUI 220
In the CLI 220
Stateful and WISPr Authen tication 221
Working With St ateful Authen tication 221
Working With WISP r Authenticatio n 222
Understanding S tateful Authen tication Best Pra ctices 222
Configuring Stateful 802.1x Auth entication 222
In the WebUI 223
In the CLI 223
Configuring Stateful NTLM Aut hentication 223
In the WebUI 223
In the CLI 224
Configuring Stateful Ker beros Authe ntication 224
In the WebUI 224
In the CLI 225
Configuring WI SPr Authent ication 225
In the WebUI 225
In the CLI 226
Certificate R evocation 228
Understanding OC SP and CRL 228
Configuring aC ontroller asOC SP and CR L Clients 228