44| Conte nts DellPowerConnect W- Series ArubaOS 6.2 | User Guide
Enabling RADIUS Se rver Authentic ation 627
Configuring R ADIUS Server User name and Passw ord Authentica tion 627
In the WebUI 627
In the CLI 627
Configuring R ADIUS Server Auth entication with V SA 628
Configuring R ADIUS Server Authent ication with Serve r Derivation Rule 628
In the WebUI 628
In the CLI 629
Configuring a se t-value server -derivatio n rule 629
In the WebUI 629
In the CLI 630
DisablingAuthenticationof LocalManagement User Accounts 630
In the WebUI 630
In the CLI 630
Verifying the co nfiguration 630
Resetting the Adm in or Enable Passw ord 630
Bypassing the Enable P assword Pro mpt 631
Setting an Administ rator Sessio n Timeout 632
In the WebUI 632
In the CLI 632
Implementing a S pecific Manage ment Passwor d Policy 632
Defining a Manageme nt Password P olicy 632
In the WebUI 632
Management Auth entication Pr ofile Parame ters 634
Managing Cert ificates 635
About Digital Cer tificates 635
Obtaining a Serve r Certificat e 636
In the WebUI 636
In the CLI 637
Obtaining a Client C ertificate 637
Importing Ce rtificates 637
In the WebUI 637