558| Virtual Intr anet Access DellPowerConnect W- Series ArubaOS 6.2 | User Guide
Figure 182: VIA - CreateV IA ConnectionProfile

2. Click on the new VIA connection profile to co nfigurethe connection sett ings. VIA Connection profile settings

are divided into two tabs, Basic and Advanced. The Basic tab displays only those configuration settings that

often needto be adjusted to suit a specific network. The Advanced tab shows all configuration settings,

includingsetti ngs that do not need frequent adjustment or should be kept at their default values.I f you change a

setting on one tab then click and display the other tab without saving your configuration, that setting will revert

to its previous value.

3. Click A pplyto save your changes.

ConfigurationOption Description
Basic VIA Connect ion Profile Settings
VIAServers Enterthe followi ng information about theV IAcontroller.
Controller Hostname/IPAddress
: This is thepubl ic IP addressor the DNS hostname of
theVIA controller. Users will connectto remote server using this IP address or the
lController Internal IP Address: This is the IP address of any of the VLAN interface IP
addressesbelongs to this controller.
lController Description: This is a human-readable description of the controller.
Click the Add buttonafter you have entered all the details. If you have more than one VIA
controller youorder them by cli cking the
Todel etea controll er from yourl ist, selecta controll er and click the Deletebutton.
Client Auto-Login Enable or disable VIA client to autol ogin and establish a secureconnection to the
VIAtunneled networks Ali stof network destination (IP address and netmask) that the VIA client wi ll tunnel through
thecontroller. Allother network destinations will be reachable di rectly bythe VIA client.
lEnteran IP address & network mask and click the Add button toadd to the tunneled
lTodel etea network entry, select the IP address and click the Delete button.
Enable split-tunneling Enable or disable spli ttunneli ng.
lIfenabled, al l trafficto the VIA tunneled networks (Step 3 in this table) will go through
thecontroller and the rest is just bridged directly on the client.
lIfdisabled, al l trafficw ill flow through the controller.
Allow client-side logging Enable or disable cli ent side logging. If enabled, V IAcl ient will coll ect logs that can be sent
Table18 3:

VIA - ConnectionProfile Options