Configuring Multicast Listener D iscovery (MLD)
You can enablethe IPv6 multicastsnooping on the controller using the WebUI or CLI. You can also modify the
defaultvalues of the MLD parameters such as query interval, query response interval,and robustness variable.
In the WebUI
To Enable IPv6 MLD Snooping
1. Navigate to the Configuration > Netw ork > IPpage and select the IP Interf aces tab.
2. Edit the required VLAN interface.
3. Check the Enable MLD Snooping check box to enable IPv6 MLD snoo ping.
4. Click the Apply button to apply the configuration.

ToModify IPv 6 MLD Parameters

1. Navigate to the Configuration > Netw ork > IPpage and select the Multicast Routing t ab.
2. Under the MLD section, enter the requiredvalues in the following fields:
lRobustness Variable: defaultvalue is 2
lQueryInterval: default value is 125 seconds
lQueryResponse I nterval:default value is 100 (1/10 seconds).
3. Click the Apply button to apply the configuration.
In the CLI
To enableI Pv6 MLD snooping:
(host) (config) #interface vlan 1
(host) (config-subif)#ipv6 mld snooping
To view if IPv6 MLD snoopingis enabled:
(host) (config-subif)#show ipv6 mld interface
MLD Interface Table
VLAN Snooping Querier
---- -------- -------
1 enabled ::
3 disabled ::
60 disabled ::
To modify IPv6 MLD parameters:
(host) (config) #ipv6 mld
(host) (config-mld) # query-interval <time in seconds (1-65535)>|query-response-interval
<time in 1/10th of seconds (1-65535)|robustness-variable <value (2-10)>
To view MLD configuration:
(host) (config-subif)#show ipv6 mld config
MLD Config
Name Value
---- -----
robustness-variable 2
query-interval 125
query-response-interval 100
DellPowerConnect W- Series ArubaOS 6.2 | User Guide IPv6Support | 134