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Neighbor Events: The nu mber of times this neighbor relationship has changed state, or an error ha s
External LSA Count: The number of external (LS type 5) link-state advertise ments in the link-state
Sent Packets: The number of OSPF packets transmitted on the interface.
Received Packets: The number of valid OSPF packets received on the interface.
Discards: Discards The number of received OSPF packets discarded becau se of an error in the
packet or an error in processing the packet.
Bad Version: Bad Version The number of received OSPF packets whose version field in the OSPF
header does not match the version of th e OSPF process handling the packet.
Source Not On Local Subnet: The number of received packets discarded because the source IP
address is not within a subnet configured on a local interface.
Virtual Link Not Found: The number of received OSPF packets discarded where the ingress
interface is in a non-backbone area and the OSPF header identifies the packet as belonging to the
backbone, but OSPF does not have a virtual link to the packet’s sender.
Area Mismatch: The number of OSPF packets discarded because the area ID in the OSPF he ader is
not the area ID configured on the ingress interface.
Invalid Destination Address: The number of OSP F packets discarded because the packet’s
destination IP address is not the addres s of the ingre ss interface and is not the AllDrRouters or
AllSpfRouters multicast addresses.
Wrong Authentication Type: The number of packets disca rde d because the authentication type
specified in the OSPF header does not match the authenticatio n type conf igured on the ingress
Authentication Failure: The number of OSPF packets dropped b ecause the sender is not an
existing neighbor or the sender’s IP address does not match the previously recorded IP address for
that neighbor.
No Neighbor at Source Address: The number of OSPF packets dropped because the sender is not
an existing neighbor or the sender’s address does not match the previously recorded IP addre ss for
that neighbor.
Invalid OSPF Packet Type: The number of OSPF packets discarded because the packet type field
in the OSPF header is not a known type.
Hellos Ignored: The number of receive d Hello packets that were ignored by this router from the new
neighbors after the limit has been reach ed for the number of neighbors on an int erface or on the
system as a whole. show ip ospf neighbor

This command displays information about OSPF neighbors. If you do not specify a neighbor I P address,
the output displays summary information in a table. If you specify an interface or tunnel, only the
information for that interface or tunnel displays.The <ip-address> is the IP address of the neighbor, and
when you specify this, detailed information about the neighbor displays. The information below only
displays if OSPF is enabled and the interf ace has a neighbor.