- 965 -
Selection Criteria
Multicast Group IPv6 - Select the IPv6 multicast group address for whi ch data i s to be displa yed. If
no group membership reports have been received on the selected interface you will not be able to
make this selection, and none of the non-configura ble data will be displayed.
Non-Configurable Da ta
Slot/Port - Displays the interface on which MLD proxy is enabled.
Last Reporter - The IPv6 address of the sou rce of the last membership rep ort received for the IPv6
Multicast group address on the MLD Proxy interface.
Uptime - The time elapsed since this entry was created.
State - The state of the host entry. A Host can be in one of the state. Non-member state - does not
belong to the group on the interface. Delaying member state - host belongs to the group on th e
interface and report timer runnin g. The report timer is used to send out the repo rts. Idle member state
- host belongs to the group on the interface and no report timer runn ing.
Filter Mode - The group filter mode (Include/Exclude/None) for the specified gro up on the MLD Proxy
Number of Sources - The number of source ho sts present in the selected multicast group.
Command Buttons
Refresh - Refresh the data on the screen with the present state of the data in the router. Viewing MLD Proxy Interface Membership Details Information Page

Selection Criteria