- 482 -
ip irdp holdtime < maxadvertinterval-90 00 >
no ip irdp holdtime
< maxadvertinterval-9000 > The range is the maxadvertinterval to 9000 seconds.
no - This command configure s the default value, in seconds, of the holdtime field of the router
advertisement sent from this interface.
Default Setting
The default value is 3* maxadvertinterval (600 ) =1800.
Command Mode
Global Config ip irdp maxadvertinterval

This commands configures the maximum time, in seconds, allowed betwe en sending router
advertisements from the interface.
ip irdp maxadvertinterval < minadve rtinte rval-1 800 >
no ip irdp maxadvertinterval
< minadvertinterv al-1800 > - The range is 4 to 1800 seconds.
no - This command configure s the default maximum time, in seconds.
Default Setting
The default value is 600.
Command Mode
Global Config ip irdp minadvertinterval

This command configures the minimum time, in seconds, allowed betwee n sending router
advertisements from the interface.
ip irdp minadvertinterval < 3-maxadvertinterval>
no ip irdp minadvertinterval
< 3-maxadvertinterval> - The range is 3 to maxadvertinterval seconds.