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Command Mode
Privileged Exec
User Exec
Display Message
VRID: Represent s the router ID of the virtual router.
Uptime: Is the time that the virtual router has been up, in days, hours, minutes and seconds.
Protocol: Repre sents the protocol configured on the interface.
State Transitioned to Master: Represents the total numbe r of times virtual router state has changed
Advertisement Received: Represents the total number of VRRP advertisements received by this
virtual router.
Advertisement Interval Errors: Represents the total number of VRRP advertisements received for
which advertisement interval is different than the co nfigured value for this virtual
Authentication Failure: Represents the total number of VRRP packets received that don't pass the
authentication check.
IP TTL errors: Represents the total number of VRRP packets received by the virtual router with IP
TTL (time to live) not equal to 255.
Zero Priority Packets Received: Represents the total number of VRRP packets received by virtual
router with a priority of '0'.
Zero Priority Packets Sent: Represents the total nu mber of VRRP packets sent by the virtual router
with a priority of '0'
Invalid Type Packets Receiv ed: Represents the total number of VRRP packets received by the
virtual router with invalid 'type' field.
Address List Errors: Represents the total number of VRRP packets received for which addre ss list
does not match the locally configured list for the virtual router.
Invalid Authentication Type: Represents the total number of VRRP packets receive d with
unknown authentication type.
Authentication Ty pe Mismatch: Repr esents the total number of VRRP advertisements received for
which 'auth type' not equal to locally configured one for this virtual router.
Packet Length Errors: Represents the total number of VRRP packets received with packet length
less than length of VRRP header.

8.8.2 Configuration Commands ip vrrp

This command enables the administrative mode of VRRP in the router.