Selecting the Novell Names

Certain characters are invalid for use in Novell names (fig. 5.2). The Novell utility automatically replaces any of these characters in the printer’s default name with an underscore (_) character and changes all characters in the name to uppercase.

space ( )

less-than sign (<)

double quote (")

equals sign (=)

asterisk (*)

greater-than sign (>)

plus sign (+)

question mark (?)

comma (,)

left bracket ([)

forward slash (/)

backward slash (\)

colon (:)

right bracket (])

semi-colon (;)

vertical bar ()

Fig. 5.2 Invalid Characters for Novell NetWare Names

Your printer’s default Novell print server name appears on the start-up page after the Ethernet board is installed. The default print server name is formed by adding a _PS extension to your printer’s PostScript name. The printer PostScript name Accel-a-Writer 3 becomes the default print server name ACCEL_A_WRITER_3_PS.

The Novell System Administrator may assign a print server name other than the default and may assign a password to control access to the server.

Note: The print server name on the printer must match the corresponding print server name on the Novell file server.

For example use xante_ps for both of these names. It also is recommended that you name the Novell file server queue a similar name such as xante_q.

Both the print server name and the password must follow Novell NetWare naming conventions (fig. 5.2). On the printer, the password is case sensitive and write-only.

Note: Do not set passwords for access to the server unless necessary.

If a password has been set for a printer, it must be reset to a null password before you can make changes to the printer’s Novell setup in XANTÉ Command center. See “Configure the Print

Server Emulation” later in this chapter to set the password.

5-6 Ethernet Setup


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Image 146
Xante 3 Series warranty Selecting the Novell Names