Related Documentation
This section refers you to other documentation that also might be useful as you configure your
Cisco CSR 1000V router. The documentation listed below is available online. The following documents cover other important information for the Cisco CSR 1000V:
•Cisco CSR 1000V Series Cloud Services Router Release Notes
•Cisco CSR 1000V Series Cloud Services Router Deployment Guide for Amazon Web Services
•Cisco CSR 1000V Series Cloud Services Router REST API Management Reference Guide
The Cisco IOS XE release documentation home page contains technology guides and feature documentation:
For information on commands, see one of the following resources:
•Cisco IOS XE Software Command References
•Command Lookup Tool (cisco.com login required)
Document Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:
Convention | Description |
^ or Ctrl | The ^ and Ctrl symbols represent the Control key. For example, the key combi- |
| nation ^D or |
| key. Keys are indicated in capital letters but are not case sensitive. |
string | A string is a nonquoted set of characters shown in italics. For example, when |
| setting an SNMP community string to public, do not use quotation marks around |
| the string or the string will include the quotation marks. |
Command syntax descriptions use the following conventions:
Convention | Description |
bold | Bold text indicates commands and keywords that you enter exactly as shown. |
italics | Italic text indicates arguments for which you supply values. |
[x] | Square brackets enclose an optional element (keyword or argument). |
A vertical line indicates a choice within an optional or required set of keywords | |
| or arguments. |
[x y] | Square brackets enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical line |
| indicate an optional choice. |
{x y} | Braces enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical line indicate a |
| required choice. |
Cisco CSR 1000V Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide
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