Chapter | Title | Description |
Chapter 1 | “Cisco CSR 1000V Series Cloud | Provides an overview of the Cisco CSR 1000V |
| Services Router Overview” | Series Cloud Services Router. |
Chapter 2 | “Using Cisco IOS XE Software” | Provides an overview of Cisco IOS XE software. |
Chapter 3 | “Installation Overview” | Provides information on the Cisco CSR 1000V |
| installation options. |
Chapter 4 | “Installing the Cisco CSR 1000V in | Describes how to install the Cisco CSR 1000V on |
| VMware ESXi Environments” | a VMware ESXi VM. |
Chapter 5 | “Installing the Cisco CSR 1000V in | Describes how to install the Cisco CSR 1000V on |
| Citrix XenServer Environments” | a Citrix XenServer VM. |
Chapter 6 | “Installing the Cisco CSR 1000V in | Describes how to install the Cisco CSR 1000V on |
| KVM Environments” | a Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM). |
Chapter 7 | “Installing the Cisco CSR 1000V in | Describes how to install the Cisco CSR 1000V on |
| Microsoft | a Microsoft |
Chapter 8 | “Booting the Cisco CSR 1000V and | Describes how to boot the Cisco CSR 1000V and |
| Accessing the Console” | access the console. |
Chapter 9 | “Upgrading the Cisco IOS XE | Describes how to upgrade the Cisco IOS XE |
| Software” | software on the Cisco CSR 1000V. |
Chapter 10 | “Mapping Cisco CSR 1000V | Provides information on how to map the |
| Network Interfaces to VM Network | Cisco CSR 1000V router interfaces to the VM |
| Interfaces” | network interfaces. |
Chapter 11 | “Accessing and Using GRUB | Describes how to access the GRUB interface and |
| Mode” | how to change the configuration register settings. |
Chapter 12 | “Configuring Call Home for the | Describes how to configure Call Home and Smart |
| Cisco CSR 1000V” | Call Home. |
Chapter 13 | “Managing Cisco CSR 1000V | Provides information on managing software |
| Licenses” | licenses for the Cisco CSR 1000V. |
Chapter 14 | “Configuring Support for Manage- | Provides information on how to configure the |
| ment Using the REST API” | Cisco CSR 1000V to enable management of the |
| router using the REST API. |
Chapter 15 | “Configuring Support for Remote | Provides information on how to activate support for |
| Management by the Cisco Prime | Cisco Prime Network Services Controller (PNSC), |
| Network Services Controller” | a |
| used to manage and provision the |
| Cisco CSR 1000V. |
Chapter 16 | “Troubleshooting Cisco CSR | Provides information on how to troubleshoot issues |
| 1000V VM Issues” | related to VM and router performance. |
Appendix A | “Rehosting the Cisco CSR 1000V | Provides information on rehosting the |
| License” | Cisco CSR 1000V license to another VM. |
Cisco CSR 1000V Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide
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