Chapter 14 Configuring Support for Management Using the REST API
Enabling REST API Support Using the Cisco IOS XE CLI
9.no shutdown
12.vnic gateway virtualportgroup
13.guest ip address
15.ip route
| Command or Action | Purpose |
Step 1 | enable | Enables privileged EXEC mode. |
| • Enter your password if prompted. |
| Example: |
| Router> enable |
Step 2 | configure terminal | Enters global configuration mode. |
| Example: |
| Router# configure terminal |
Step 3 | interface | Enters interface configuration mode for the |
| management interface. |
| Example: |
| Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet1 |
Step 4 | ip address | Configures the IP address for the management |
| interface. |
| Example: |
| |
| |
Step 5 | no shutdown | Enables the management interface. |
| Example: |
| |
Step 6 | exit | Exits interface configuration mode. |
| Example: |
| |
Step 7 | interface virtualportgroup | Creates a virtual port group and enters virtual port |
| group interface configuration mode. |
| Example: |
| Router(config)# interface virtualportgroup 0 |
| Cisco CSR 1000V Series Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide |