TeamPoS 3000 XL and XL2 | Overview |
1.4.Intelligent PIN's (Product Identification Numbers)
TeamPoS 3000 Controller
Intelligent PIN Configuration Guidelines
1st Digit
A:Compact White
B:Compact Black
C:Standard White
D:Standard Black
E:Compact White*
F:Compact Black*
G:Standard White*
H:Standard Black*
2nd Digit
M:TeamPos 3000 M Motherboard
Y:TeamPoS 3000 Y Motherboard
3rd Digit
1:1.3 GHz Celeron M
2:1.5 GHz Celeron M
3:1.6 GHz PentiumM
4:2.0 GHz Pentium M
5:2.0 GHz Celeron 550
6:2.2 GHz Core 2 Duo
7:1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo
4th Digit
1:256 MB DDR Memory
2:512 MB DDR Memory
4:1 GB DDR Memory
5:1 GB x 2 DDR Memory
6:512 MB DDR2 Memory
7:1 GB DDR 2 Memory
8:2 GB 2xDDR2 Memory
9:4 GB DDR Memory
A: 4 GB 2xDDR2 Memory
5th Digit
Interface Options
0:No I/O Card
1:3, 12V USB Ports
3:Combo Board + Com Board **
4:Combo I/O Board
6th Digit
Hard Drive
0:No Hard Drive
1:40 GB Hard Drive
2:80 GB Hard Drive
7th Digit
2nd Hard Drive
0:No 2nd Hard Drive A: RAID 0
C: Drive C & D
8th Digit
Integrated Battery Backup
0:No Battery Backup
1:Battery/Integrated 3 years
2:Battery/Integrated 6 years
3:Full System Integrated
9th Digit
Operating System
0: No Operating System
4:Preload Windows2000 Pro
6:Preload Windows XP Pro
7:Server Download Windows XPe
9:Preload Windows XPe
A: Preload Windows 2000 Server, with 5 CAL
B: Unrestricted Windows XP Pro
V: Vista B TP3K XL2
P: POSReady
10th Digit
0:No CD
2:CDR – Black
11th Digit Power Cord
0:No Power Cord
1:US – White
2:US - Black
12th Digit
0:No flash memory
1:1 GB Flash
13th Digit |
| 14 | th | Digit |
| th | ||
Spare |
| 15 Digit | ||
| Wireless |
| RoHS | |||
| ||||
| |||
0 |
| 0: No option |
| 0: Not RoHS Compliant |
| Z: LAN ETH 10/100 net card |
| R: RoHS Compliant | |||
| ||||
| L: PCI Wireless LAN |
| ||
*Supports XL2 Motherboard Gigabit Lan Capability
**XL Motherboard Only
D900000145 | Issue 3 |