Manager-of-Managers Environment

Centralized Licensing

On Windows: <Data_Protector_home>\config\cell\lic_server

On UNIX: /etc/opt/omni/cell/lic_server

3.Stop and restart Data Protector services on each Cell Manager where you made the changes. See “Restarting Data Protector Services” on page 364.

4.In the Data Protector Manager-of-Managers, click Clients in the Context List.

5.In the Scoping Pane, right-click the Cell Manager that has the licensing information you want to change, and then click Configure Licensing to open the wizard. The types and numbers of licenses available to your selected Cell Manager are displayed.

The USED column shows the number of licenses assigned to that particular Cell Manager. Increasing the number in this column will correspondingly decrease the number of available licenses, and vice-versa.

The AVAILABLE column shows the number of licenses available to the entire enterprise. This is the number of licenses not taken by any cell within the enterprise environment.

The TOTAL column shows the total number of licenses both used and available in the entire enterprise.

6.Click the Remote option to change the licensing from local to remote. Note that USED column is changed into ALLOCATED.

7.Modify the license configuration. Note that only ALLOCATED column is available during the modification process.


To release (give up) a license type, thus increasing the number


available, reduce its corresponding number in the ALLOCATED




To assign a license type, increase its corresponding number in the


ALLOCATED column by double-clicking it.

8.Click Finish to apply the configuration.

9.Repeat the steps for all Cell Managers for which you want to set up the centralized licensing.

Chapter 8