Novell NetWare Cluster Services, 642 omniclus command, 623

package (MC/SG, Veritas Cluster), 615 primary node, 615

secondary node, 615 switchover, 615 Veritas Cluster, 613 virtual server, 615

cluster-aware applications, 616 cluster-aware backups, 620 CM, MA and DA in the DMZ, 540


See Centralized Media Management Database

command-line interface (CLI), 11 commands

pre- and post-exec,250

pre- and post-exec examples, A-20pre- and post-exec, UNIX, 257 pre- and post-exec, Windows, 251

communication, troubleshooting, 565 client fails, 567

HOST file resolution problem, 567 host name resolution problems, 565


advanced options dialog box, figure, 77 changing, device, 76

device backup option, 249

device properties dialog box, figure, 78 condition

of a media pool, 132

of a media, and device error, 132

of a media, changing calculation, 134 of a media, checking, 131

of a media, checking using Cartridge Memory List, 132

of a media, fair, 133 of a media, good, 133

of a media, influence on how media are selected for backup, 131

of a media, influencing factors, 132 of a media, poor, 133

of a media, property page, figure, 134 condition factors for media, 105, 132

age of a medium, 105

maximum number of overwrites, 132 medium valid for, 132

usage of a medium, 106

CONFIGURATION backing up, 173, 176


restoring Windows, 280 Windows 2000/XP, 174 Windows NT, 173


of user rights, 83 Configuration reports, 320 configuring

automatic drive cleaning, 62 automatically, devices, 50 backup devices, 17

backup devices for direct backup, 38 backups, 153

barcode support, 66

Cell Manager package, MC/ServiceGuard,


Cell Manager, MC/ServiceGuard, 628 cleaning tape slot, 63 cluster-aware client, MC/SG, 637 cluster-aware client, MSCS, 618 CMMDB, 368

CMMDB on the client cell, 370 CMMDB on the MoM Manager, 369 device chains, 24

device files, 27

Device Flow report, using CLI, example,


device streaming, 76 devices, automatically, 50 devices, manually, 52 drives, 52, 59

drives, library, 32 DSI integration, 644 file devices, 26

firewall environment, 528 floating drive, table, 59 floating drives, 59

IDB, 388

libraries with multiple systems, 32 library devices, 29, 30

library for mixed media, 37 library robotics in a cluster, 52 libtab files, manually, 56 magazine devices, 34 Manager-of-Managers,362 ManageX integration, 648 MC/SG integration in the SAN, 58 media pool, 102

Media Statistics report, using CLI, example, 340


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HP B6960-90078 manual See Centralized Media Management Database