Intel 80286, 80287 manual NPX Context Switching, Multiprocessor Considerations

Models: 80287 80286

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The context of a processor extension (such as the 80287 numerics processor) is not changed by the task switch operation. A processor extension context need only be changed when a different task attempts to use the processor extension (which still contains the context of a previous task). The 80286 detects the first use of a processor extension after a task switch by causing the processor extension not-present exception (#7) if the TS bit is set. The interrupt handler may then decide whether a context change is necessary.

The 286 services numeric errors only when it executes wait or escape instructions because the processor extension is running independently. Therefore, the numerics error from one task may not be recorded until the 286 is running a different task. If the 286 task has changed, it makes sense to defer handling that error until the original task is restored. For example, interrupt handlers that use the NPX should not have their timing upset by a numeric error interrupt that pertains to some earlier process. It is of little value to service someone else's error.

If the task switch bit is set (bit 3 of MSW) when the CPU begins to execute a wait or escape instruc- tion, the processor-extension not-present exception results (#7). The handler for this interrupt must know who currently "owns" the NPX, i.e., the handler must know the last task to issue a command to the NPX. If the owner is the same as the current task, then it was merely interrupted and the interrupt handler has since returned; the handler for interrupt 7 simply clears the TS bit, restores the working registers, and returns (restoring interrupts if enabled).

If the recorded owner is different from the current task, the handler must first save the existing NPX context in the save area of the old task. It can then re-establish the correct NPX context from the current task's save area.

The code example in figure 11-3 relies on the convention that each TSS entry in the GDT is followed by an alias entry for a data segment that points to the same physical region of memory that contains the TSS. The alias segment also contains an area for saving the NPX context, the kernel stack, and certain kernel data. That is, the first 44 bytes in that segment are the 286 context, followed by 94 bytes for the processor extension context, followed in some cases by the kernel stack and kernel private data areas.

The implied convention is that the stack segment selector points to this data segment alias so that whenever there is an interrupt at level zero and SS is automatically loaded, all of the above information is immediately addressable.

It is assumed that the program example knows about only one data segment that points to a global data area in which it can find the one word NPX owner to begin the processing described. The specific operations needed, and shown in the figure, are listed in table 11-1.


As mentioned in Chapter 8, a bus lock is applied during the testing and setting of the task busy bit to ensure that two processors do not invoke the same task at the same time. However, protection traps and conflicting use of dynamically varying segments or descriptors must be addressed by an inter- processor synchronization protocol. The protocol can use the indivisible semaphore operation of the base instruction set. Coordination of interrupt and trap vectoring must also be addressed when multiple concurrent processors are operating.

The. interrupt bus cycles are locked so no interleaving occurs on those cycles. Descriptor caching is locked so that a descriptor reference cannot be altered while it is being fetched.


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Intel 80286, 80287 manual NPX Context Switching, Multiprocessor Considerations