Intel 80286, 80287 manual Hardware Compatibility Considerations

Models: 80287 80286

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13.Do not Rely on IDIV Exceptions for Quotients of 80H or 8000H.

The 80286 can generate the largest negative number as a quotient for IDIV instructions. The 8086 will instead cause exception O.

14.Do not Rely on NMI Interrupting NMI Handlers.

After an NMI is recognized, the NMI input and processor extension limit error interrupt is masked until the first IRET instruction is executed.

15.The NPX error signal does not pass through an interrupt controller (an 8087 INT signal does). Any interrupt controller-oriented instructions for the 8087 may have to be deleted.

16.If any real-mode program relies on address space wrap-around (e.g., FFFO:0400=0000:0300), then external hardware should be used to force the upper 4 addresses to zero during real mode.

17.Do not use I/O ports 00F8-00FFH. These are reserved for controlling 80287 and future processor extensions.


l.Address after Reset

8086 has CS:IP = ffff:OOOO and physical address ffffO.

80286 has CS:IP = fOOO:fffO and physical address fffffO.

Note: After 80286 reset, until the first 80286 far JMP or far CALL, the code segment base is ffOOOO. This means A20-A23 will be high for CS-relative bus cycles (code fetch or use of CS override prefix) after reset until the first far JMP or far CALL instruction is performed.

2.Physical Address Formation

In real mode or protected mode, the 80286 always forms a physical address by adding a l6-bit offset with a 24-bit segment base value (8086 has 20-bit base value). Therefore, if the 80286 in real mode has a segment base within 64K of the top of the 1Mbyte address space, and the program adds an offset of ffffh to the segment base, the physical address will be slightly above IMbyte. Thus, to fully duplicate 1Mbyte wraparound that the 8086 has, it is always necessary to force A20 low externally when the 80286 is in real mode, but system hardware uses all 24 address lines.

3.LOCK signal

On the 8086, LOCK asserted means this bus cycle is within a group of two or more locked bus cycles. On the 80286, the LOCK signal means lock this bus cycle to the NEXT bus cycle. There- fore, on the 80286, the LOCK signal is not asserted on the last locked bus cycle of the group of locked bus cycles.

4.Coprocessor Interface

8086, synchronous to 8086, can become a bus master.

80287, asynchronous to 80286 and 80287, cannot become a bus master.

8087 pulls opcode and pointer information directly from data bus.

80286 passes opcode and pointer information to 80287.

8087 uses interrupt path to signal errors to 8086.

80287 uses dedicated ERROR signal.

8086 requires explicit WAIT opcode preceding all ESC instructions to synchronize with 8087. 80286 has automatic instruction synchronization with 80287.

5.Bus Cycles

8086 has four-clock minimum bus cycle, with a time-multiplexed address/data bus. 80286 has two-clock minimum bus cycle, with separate buses for address and data.


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Intel 80286, 80287 manual Hardware Compatibility Considerations