All but two exceptions are restartable after the exceptional condition is removed. The two non- restartable exceptions are the processor extension segment overrun and writing into read only segments with XCHG, ADC, SBB, RCL, and RCR instructions. The return address normally points to the failing instruction, including all leading prefixes.
The instruction and data addresses for the processor extension segment overrun are contained in the processor extension status registers.
°Interrupt handkrs for most exceptions receive an error code that identifies. the selector involved, or a in bits
that the handler will not have to access another stack segment to find the error code.
The following sections describe the exceptions in greater detail.
9.6.1 Invalid OP-Code (Interrupt 6)
When an invalid opcode is detected by the execution unit, interrupt 6 is invoked. (It is not detected until an attempt is made to execute it, i.e., prefetching an invalid opcode does not cause this exception.) The saved CS:IP will point to the invalid opcode or any leading prefixes; no error code is pushed on the stack. The exception can be handled within the same task, and is restartable.
This exception will occur for all cases of an invalid operand. Examples include an
9.6.2 Double Fault (Interrupt 8)
If two separate faults occur during a single instruction, end if the first fault is any of #0, #10, #11, #12, and #13, exception 8 (Double Fault) occurs (e.g., a general protection fault in level 3 is followed by a
Either NMI or RESET can force the CPU out ,of shutdown. An NMI inputcan bring the CPU out of shutdown if no errors occur while processing the NMI interrupt; otherwise, shutdown can only be exited via the RESET input. NMI causes the CPU to remain in protected mode, and RESET causes it to exit protected mode. Shutdown is signaled externally via a HALT bus operation with Al LOW.
A task gate must be used for the double fault handler to assure a proper task state to respond to the exception. The back link field in the current TSSwill identify the TSS of the task causing the excep- tion. The saved address will point at the instruction that was being executed (or was ready to execute) when the error was detected. The error code will be null.
The "double fault" exception does not occur whim detecting a new exception while trying to invoke handlers for the following exceptions: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9, and 16..
9.6.3 Processor Extension Segment Overrun (Interrupt 9)
Interrupt 9 signals that the processor extension (such as the 80287 numerics processor) has overrun the limit of a segment while attempting to read/write the second or subsequent words of an operand.